Category: Job Search
Building Job Search Momentum
Like many of life’s endeavors, it takes a certain amount of momentum to really get going. As a college student, my least favorite part of any class was always the beginning. I didn’t have a firm grasp of what was expected and I wasn’t yet in the groove as far as assignments and studying. I always went through a bit of a learning curve to get a feel for expectations though once I had that knowledge, it was generally smooth sailing until the end of the semester.
Searching for a Job on Your Own Terms
Though there are a number of key components to a successful job search—networking, research, and hard work immediately come to mind—unfortunately none of them reduces the stress of finding a new position. There is no doubt about it: searching for a job can be stressful.
LLoydEmployed – Late Summer Edition 2013
This newsletter is written for LLoyd’s contingent workforce associates, but we think the content is helpful to our working talent, as well as our clients and the LLoyd community. We hope you enjoy it. Comments are welcome.
Why You Didn’t Get Hired
First of all, congratulations – you are about to start life in the “real world” in other words in a career you’ve chosen and an environment that you will be you professional community.
Taking Temp to the Next Level
Temporary employment can be quite an adventure. From the moment a LLoyd Staffing Specialist calls with your first assignment, the doors are wide open to try your hand and develop your skills at a variety of employers. For students, new grads, and boomers who desire flexibility in their schedule, to professionals seeking a career change – temporary work is ideal for trying out a position, field or company, before making a “permanent” commitment.
Take Control of Your Job Search
They say that the three of the most stressful things in life include moving to a new house, health issues and finding a new job. If this is true, especially the last one, it continues to stump me as to why so many job seekers approach their job search with absolutely no plan, no organization and will submit to working with practically anyone, without considering if it’s a good fit.