
The LLoyd blog: hidden talent.

Being Intentional

by Merrill Banks, CSP, CEO LLoyd Staffing

During one of my morning walks I listened to a podcast titled, “The Need To Be Intentional About Everything You Do!”   My first thought was they can’t be serious, after all – isn’t everyone intentional about everything they do?

The definition of intentional and being intentional is: Things that are done on purpose and deliberate and being a person that is purposeful in words and actions.

isn’t this what we all strive to do and want to be every day?    NO!   After listening to the rest of the podcast and then doing my own informal survey of my business associates and some personal relationships, it became very obvious to me that most people don’t think that much about being intentional at all.

I learned is that in order to be intentional, you must live and practice it everyday. It’s why at the top of my desk calendar in big red letters I write “Be intentional.”  It’s my way of reminding myself that trying to just do something is unacceptable. If I say I want to do it, I must be intentional and do what ever is necessary to accomplish it.

When I rise each morning I have my sneakers next to the sink where I brush my teeth and wash my face to wake up. I have my walking shoes that close to me so that there isn’t any self conversation about whether I will or won’t this morning. – I will because I made it intentional, I prepared for it so that it’s not an option.

When you create a list of items to take care of any given day or a list of potential clients or people you need to call today. You haven’t created a might call list or a might do this list. You have created a list of items you must do.

Having this type of mind set at work makes you the go-to person, the someone that others know will always get things done.   Intentionalism is a major characteristic of leaders, it’s why others want to follow them; they know they will accomplish the goals set because the person leading them is intentional about what they are doing.

Being intentional doesn’t just happen, what makes it work is that one needs to think about it and practice it, prepare for it. Ask any of the great sport coaches and they will tell you – if their team has a very good week at practice they play well almost every time and win. It will translate into them playing a very good game on the weekend. The good week of practice is being intentional about what they are going to do to win – and then they do it at game time!

Have you ever had a co-worker or boss say they will call you or meet with you at 2:00 pm and that time comes and goes without them calling or meeting with you?  Finally, when they do get to you the excuse is that they were tied up on another call or ran late with another meeting.  Say what you mean and do what you say, “be intentional.”  End your call, end your meeting and be on time for the one you set up.

Do you tell a candidate you’re going to call them back and don’t? Why?
Does a client tell you they are going to call you back and don’t?

Re-read the meaning of the word “intentional” above and just think if everyone you worked with and for, as well as yourself did that each day. What a win-win that would be for everyone.

Work at being intentional with everything you do everyday in your work and with your personal life and family.   You will have better results and a happier life experience. Be intentional.

Merrill Banks, CSP, CEO founded LLoyd Staffing in 1971. Under his direction, LLoyd has grown into the largest privately owned staffing firm on Long Island (NY) and a well respected name in the recruitment and search industry. READ MORE
