
The LLoyd blog: hidden talent.

The Joy of Giving

The holidays are a perfect time for Lloyd to practice one of our core values of social responsibility and giving back to the community. As a company, we believe it is important to incorporate our values and ethics into how we run our business and how we impact the regions where we live and work.  To this end, we encourage our employees to professionally and personally participate in causes that contribute to the wellbeing of others.

Since we opened our doors more than fifty years ago, we have made Community Outreach a part of our culture.  Lloyd endeavors to make a difference on a local, regional and national basis.  Throughout the years, our efforts have covered themes such as…

  • Disaster Relief
  • Economically Disadvantaged
  • Health, Medicine, Research & Cures
  • Education & Literacy
  • Housing & Homeless
  • Crisis Support
  • Environmental Activism
  • Youth & Seniors
  • Quality of Life


This year our Holiday Card shared our concept of Giving.

All year long, Lloyd partners with #JDRF to fight Type 1 Diabetes through our Placements with a Purpose Program which donates to JDRFGNYC with every hire and every contractor/temp associate placed on assignment.

  One component of our Lloyd Elite program, for our Recruitment professionals, incentivizes our employees to compete for a cause of their choice for Lloyd’s Holiday giving.  Those who achieve the milestones we outline at the beginning of the year earn the opportunity to name a cause for our year-end corporate giving.  This year the following causes were selected…

The Lloydsters who contributed to the”Causes We Care About” included…
Jerry Angowitz • Matthew Assael, CSP • Andrew Berkowitz • Doug Berkowitz
Brett Buckwald • Joseph Davis CSP, TSC • Rick Delin, CSP • Helaine Friedman-Bocker, CSP
Brian Green, CSP • Brian Hayes, CSP • Rob Segro

We advocate and encourage both individual and group volunteerism. Activities throughout the years have included food drives, school supply contributions, socks for the homeless, toys for sick children, blood drives, shoe collections and so much more.  Our company culture thrives on giving back and offers joy and pride in helping others move forward when facing challenges

At Lloyd, we believe the best gift is one that helps the people who need it most.
Here’s to a joyous, healthy and kinder year ahead.

The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”
Coretta Scott King
