
The LLoyd blog: hidden talent.


The health and safety of our colleagues, employees, contract talent and our clients is LLoyd’s first priority. We want to reaffirm our commitment to staying in touch with all members of our business community with respect to COVID19.

  • LLoyd Staffing is taking necessary internal measures to ensure continuity of service to all of our partners – whether you are using our services for talent, for job search or for employment. We will continue to serve you without interruption.
  • We are reaching out via phone, email and social feeds to keep everyone apprised of LLoyd activities and policies. We remain fluid in our approach and are able to respond immediately as the situation changes or new rules are put in place by our government.
  • We continue to follow CDC Guidelines to guide us.

We have implemented several strategies to keep risks low. These include online meetings, flexible remote work access for our recruitment and operations teams and phone or virtual interviews for candidates in the hiring process. Our technology and processes are equipped to handle changing scenarios.

Any contract employee or candidate is encouraged to stay at home if they feel ill or are symptomatic and to not put the health of others at risk.

We are committed to doing all we can to attend to the health and well-being of our employees and clients and doing our part to slow the spread of the virus in our communities. LLoyd is here to support you during these challenging times and believe we will all emerge from this unprecedented time stronger than ever.

Thank you for working with us and for your confidence and trust.
Be well and be safe.





We ask that you also maintain open lines of communication and contact us should you feel sick, have been tested or tested positive for coronavirus. If you or a member of your household has traveled to a Level 3 or 4 country please notify us (LLoyd HR) immediately.

The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to the virus.  In addition to all the normal things you do to stay healthy, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the preventive measures are the same as for the flu or other viruses,

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes by using the bend of your arm (elbow) or using disposable tissues and immediately disposing of them in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces frequently. Personal work spaces should also be wiped down twice a day, upon arrival and before leaving daily using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • When in public, including on public transportation, practice common sense separation and distancing.
  • It is currently flu and respiratory disease season and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends getting a flu vaccine, taking everyday preventive actions to help stop the spread of germs, and taking flu antivirals if prescribed.
  • The CDC encourages employees to use tele-health services, rather than visiting a doctor’s office or clinic, to limit the spread of the virus.
  • Should you feel ill while you are at work, please reach out to your manager and or Staffing Coordinator and you will be directed accordingly.


  • Stay home if you’re sick, or if you feel symptomatic. We are still in the flu season and many of the symptoms are the same.
  • Stay home if a member of your household has tested positive for coronavirus or is awaiting test results.
  • You should be fever-free for 24-hours without the use of medication before returning to work.

You are not alone in this crisis. We encourage you to ask any questions or raise any concerns you have to LLOYD Human Resources. Email:

Updated information regarding this disease is also available on the CDC website.

