Resume – Objective vs. Summary?
Ask most Recruiters or Hiring Managers today if they feel an objective is necessary and you’ll likely hear a resounding “NO!”
The Death of the Resume?
Resumes no longer offer an accurate picture of the candidate. Employers want a sense of who the individual actually is and resumes have limitations.
Why You Didn’t Get the Job Offer…
The Class of 2017 is now home and ready to put their newly earned degrees to work. Job market newbies need to bring their best game to the interview. Here are some tips so you WILL get the offer, instead of being passed over. Learn from these proven mistakes.
Is Company Policy Preventing You From Accessing the Best Candidate Pool?
There has been a dominant trend in Corporate America for many companies to turn over the responsibility of writing their firm’s contingency search agreements to the corporate legal department. The results are technically proficient contracts, that are now sadly deficient when it comes to true “Human Resources.”
Procrastination is the Art of Keeping Up with Yesterday
When I first started my career, I was a Graphic Designer. In the early 1990’s. I owned and operated my own “shop” and I serviced clients in the areas of consumer products, landscaping services and small businesses.
Operation Deployment to Employment
Nationwide, more than 20 percent of young veterans are unemployed. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports increasing unemployment rates among Gulf War Era II veterans than for the general population. Their unemployment rate averaged 11.5 percent last year, higher than the overall 9% rate for the U. S. population.