Expanding the Talent Pool at the Screening Stage

As recruitment professionals, we hear this every day: “We have too many openings and not enough qualified talent to fill our needs!”   Yet there are people out there.  CNBC.com recently reported there are about 1 million more job openings than available people.   That translates to approximately 8.6 million Americans considered to be “out of […]

High Expectations and the Low Ball Job Offer

Price-sensitive companies are sticking tight to budgets, but keeping their wish lists high.  They want to hire the qualified candidate who can offer them the best return on their investment and are flexing their pocketbooks with less frequency than they did in years past.  They want great talent, but at bargain prices.


The health and safety of our colleagues, employees, contract talent and our clients is LLoyd’s first priority. We want to reaffirm our commitment to staying in touch with all members of our business community with respect to COVID19.