Giving Tuesday 2018

Teenage diarist Anne Frank wrote more than half a century ago these powerful and wise words from one so young.
“No one has ever become poor from giving.”
To honor the spirit of giving to those in need, LLoyd is proud to participate in Giving Tuesday 2018.

Fishing For Calm Amid Workplace Chaos

According to a report by the World Health Design, an aquarium with living fish produced higher positive moods in the office environment than any other natural or artificial nature elements. Studies even show that people who are exposed to fish tanks, have reduced anxiety levels of up to 12%.

Pink LLoyd Day 2018

Each October, LLoydsters in all offices participate in Pink LLoyd month. Our firm is committed to providing paid time off for appropriate health screenings and wellness check-ups.

The Like Button In Real Life

The big question is whether the likeable candidate is hired more easily, or if the likeable employee is more valued than the competent one.

Opportunities Ahead…

An Internship will give you the experience you need and help determine what is important to you by seeing and experiencing the various departments a corporation has to offer.