The Like Button In Real Life

The big question is whether the likeable candidate is hired more easily, or if the likeable employee is more valued than the competent one.

An Accidental Role Model

Mary’s on the job struggles taught us about job titles, pay inequity, climbing the corporate ladder and conducting ourselves with grace, humor and integrity.

For Crying Out Loud

Tears can undermine your competency and have a negative impact on promotability, performance reviews and your credibility with colleagues and/or supervisors. Leadership may equate crying with vulnerability or weakness and anyone looking to advance needs to keep this in mind when emotions start to surface.

8 Things You Must Know When Working With a Recruiter or Choosing A Staffing Firm

So, you have decided to make a career change and find a new job. Suddenly you find yourself spending an innate amount of time searching job boards, talking to former colleagues, tweeting members of trade associations, networking with personal contacts and hoping that you will see the perfect job posted online, or that someone you know can suggest something terrific for you through their own circles.

Does Bad Credit = A Bad Job Candidate?

There is no clear connection between a credit history and job performance and many job seekers consider it to be an unfair way of screening candidates; however, no Federal discrimination law specifically prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of a bad credit report.